You may have heard that the northeast corridor was recently walloped by a snowstorm in late October. After that storm, I know why trees lose their leaves during the winter. It turns out that 8 inches of heavy wet snow falling on trees that are still full of leaves results in branches that bend, crack, and then fall on power lines and houses and cars.
There were more than a million people without power during the storm, and I was one of them. On my 3rd day without power, in my dark 40-degree house lacking TV, DVR, cable, or Internet, with just a few Grey’s DVDs and a couple of half-charged computers, I faced a question that has been on my mind since this task began: if Grey’s Anatomy were the last show on earth, the last possible form of entertainment available to me, would I watch it by choice?
The answer is: yes, I would. But I would be cursing my luck the entire time. And I would be repeatedly asking myself, “What have I done to deserve this?” These facts make this Grey’s episode all the more fitting.
GF and I actually had a tough few days. At first, it was a little bit fun. We made s’mores over the fire and nestled down for a chilly afternoon, but after a day without power, when I had driven to every gas station in a 30 mile radius and had found only one open, with a two hour wait to get to the pump, I started feeling like I was just a scantily-clad Tina Turner away from “Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.”
I was also basically wearing this outfit while fighting every other desperate driver in this town for the last gas pump, which makes the Mad Max comparison all the more real. |
Later that night, when we were freezing in the house and my poor GF with bronchitis couldn’t stop coughing, I started to feel more like I was in a Charles Dickens novel. It was only the next day, when they emergently called me into work and the hospital was so full that there were cots in every conference room full did I start to feel a tiny bit like a character in Grey’s Anatomy. Well, I felt like a Grey’s character, less the medical tomfoolery (I didn't see a single spontaneous orgasm, for example) and the attending-intern hookups, of course.
Grey’s aside for one moment, you be wondering why the hospital so full. We had patients with carbon monoxide poisoning (from their improperly installed generators), burns (fireplaces), and falls (walking around in the dark), and a bunch of people who were cold and had nowhere else to go.
So I’m glad to be back in the land of electricity, heat, hot water, and open gas stations. Although I watched a lot of Grey’s I’m sad to admit I didn’t take notes, so I’ll have to re-watch the episodes in order to take pictures and blog about them. Sorry, people, but this blog doesn’t write itself. And I couldn’t very well take notes and pictures while using my computer to watch the show. Geez.
Back to episode 28. George and Meredith, fresh from their hookup, are skulking around miserably the entire episode.
CRISTINA: [referring to George] "What is with him?"
ALEX: "Okay, 50 bucks O'Malley caught her doing McDreamy."
IZZIE: "McDreamy?"
ALEX: "Did I just call the dude McDreamy?"
CRISTINA: "Oh, you know you did."
ALEX: [to Izzie] "You are ruining my life."
ALEX: "Okay, 50 bucks O'Malley caught her doing McDreamy."
IZZIE: "McDreamy?"
ALEX: "Did I just call the dude McDreamy?"
CRISTINA: "Oh, you know you did."
ALEX: [to Izzie] "You are ruining my life."
I mean, all this awkwardness is a little ridiculous given that this is Meredith, who has hooked up with half of Seattle. You’d think she’d know how to handle a trick after she’s done with him:
ALEX: [to Meredith] "That's what you do. When you feel sorry for yourself, you get drunk and sleep with inappropriate men. It's okay. I find it charming."
But instead of explaining herself, Meredith trudges around telling everyone she’s a bad person, leading George to take over the job of “monologue.”
George: “Okay, so, sometimes even the best of us make rash decisions. Bad decisions. Decisions we pretty much know we're going to regret the moment, the minute, especially the morning after. I mean, maybe not regret, regret because at least, you know, we put ourselves out there. But...still. Something inside us decides to do a crazy thing. A thing we know will probably turn around and bite us in the ass. Yet, we do it anyway. What I'm saying is...we reap what we sow. what comes around goes around. It's karma and, any way you slice it...karma sucks.”
So the episode is about karma. I’m a karma-doubter. Look at this Buddhist explanation of karma:
“What is the cause, what is the reason, O Lord," questioned a young truth seeker of the Buddha, "that we find amongst mankind the short-lived and long-lived, the healthy and the diseased, the ugly and beautiful, those lacking influence and the powerful, the poor and the rich, the low-born and the high-born, and the ignorant and the wise?"
The Buddha’s reply was:
"All living beings have actions (Karma) as their own, their inheritance, their congenital cause, their kinsman, their refuge. It is Karma that differentiates beings into low and high states."
So basically, if you’re poor, ugly, or otherwise unfortunate, it’s your own fault. Those starving kids in Africa? Don’t send them your Midwestern leftovers. Their lot is their own fault. Patients with cancer? Ditto. Given these harsh and ridiculous implications of this definition, I've realized that this is not the usual popular culture definition of “karma.” The popular definition of karma is better captured by another quote: "We are the heirs of our own actions."
This karma interpretation plays out in the episode a few ways: Addison contracts poison oak after popping a squat during a dog walk. She claims that the poison oak is the result of her tryst with Mark back in New York. Presumably, she doesn’t think he had anything directly to do with the poison oak in her backyard in Seattle. Rather, poison oak is karmic retribution for cheating on McDreamy. I found this plotline to be a little confusing at first, because I initially interpreted her uncomfortable squirming to be not poison-oak-itchiness but the “Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) shuffle" (a patient develops a shuffling gait to reduce jostling to the pelvis-because of cervical motion and general pelvic tenderness associated with PID, a sexually transmitted disease). Contracting PID wouldn’t be karma so much as cause and effect (have unprotected sex with someone who has an STD and you might get a disease) and, given the timing, it would have made more sense that she caught it from McDreamy rather than Mark.
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It's easy to mistake Addison's itchy waddle for the "pelvic infammatory disease shuffle." Or maybe just a serious wedgie. |
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It was a crime of fashion. |
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As I watched the scene, I said to GF, "You know, a cupcake is the perfect way to seduce me." I think she heard me but was so busy rolling her eyes she didn't take the time to write it down. |
First, Addison fake-cries over her poison oak:
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If I ever claimed that she was attractive, I take it back. She has officially jumped the shark with this one. |
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Meredith takes whining to a whole new level. I think right before this, George said, "Don't cry. I was just messing with you when I told you there were calories in your toothpaste." |
PRESTON: "You're a good person."
CRISTINA: "No, I'm not."
PRESTON: "You're helping a friend."
CRISTINA: "Are his problems surgical?"
CRISTINA: "Then we can't help him."
And then George reads the moral: "Karma evens the score. And even when we're about to do something we know will tempt karma to bite us in the ass...well, it goes without say. We do it anyway."
OK, I admit it. I found a 5 dollar bill in the hospital parking lot last week and I kept it because I couldn't figure out who to turn it into. Then a snowstorm hit my house and we lost power for days. It's ridiculous to think the two could be related. No way. does kind of make wonder what my neighbor did to have that happen to his car.
CRISTINA: "No, I'm not."
PRESTON: "You're helping a friend."
CRISTINA: "Are his problems surgical?"
CRISTINA: "Then we can't help him."
And then George reads the moral: "Karma evens the score. And even when we're about to do something we know will tempt karma to bite us in the ass...well, it goes without say. We do it anyway."
OK, I admit it. I found a 5 dollar bill in the hospital parking lot last week and I kept it because I couldn't figure out who to turn it into. Then a snowstorm hit my house and we lost power for days. It's ridiculous to think the two could be related. No way. does kind of make wonder what my neighbor did to have that happen to his car.
I couldn't write it down. I was busy coughing up a lung. (Quiz: which TV medical drama actually has a coughing up a lung--literally--plotline?)
ReplyDeleteAnd let's not forget the first date chocolate flourless cookies--which got me nowhere.
The GF
If by "nowhere" you meant "you are now my GF," OK. And the "lung?" I know because you told me, so I"ll let other people guess.
ReplyDeleteI have read some interviews with the creator of the show (don't judge me) and she seems (willfully? woefully?) oblivious to how ham-fisted and just plain BAD her writing of this show is. I mean, how many patients have you had who's predicament mirrors something going on in your life such that you Learn a Helpful Lesson through them?
ReplyDeleteAlso, the medical drama with the lung plotline was House. Something I haven't seen which I might put on my list, though I am still recovering from the awesomeness of Friday Night Lights.
House! You're right. The GF is now introducing the contest. Interesting twist...I Learn a Helpful Lesson every time I take care of patients. It's just usually it's something like "don't take off a patient's shoes without wearing gloves because there's a good chance they are soaked with urine."
ReplyDeleteBut, see, for that to be the same sort of Helpful Lesson (TM), the situation would need to mirror some personal issue you were having with urine soaked shoes.
ReplyDeleteOh, no. Who told you?